What to do when web3 participant recruitment goes wrong.

Recruiting research participants in web3 is often filled with unexpected hurdles.

Here's a rundown of the most frequent issues you might encounter

1. Your screener doesn’t get filled out by participants

The problem: You've crafted a compelling offer and designed a sleek screener survey, yet you're not receiving any responses.

Potential solutions:

  • Pilot the Screener: Test your screener with someone else to identify and correct potential misunderstandings or errors. Participants might be leaving due to confusion.

  • Refine Your Messaging: Tailor your communication to resonate with your target audience. Ensure clarity and relevance by incorporating keywords and symbols that are meaningful to them. This helps to clarify why joining your study is beneficial and can significantly reduce the likelihood of your message being overlooked.

  • Rethink Incentives: Carefully consider the incentives offered. They should be sufficiently motivating to encourage participants to complete the screener. If not, your participants won’t go through the hassle of filling out your screener.

  • Explore Alternate Channels: If adjustments to the screener and incentives don't yield results, consider using a different distribution channel to reach potential participants.

2. Not enough qualified participants respond to your screener

The problem: Despite people filling out the screener, not enough participants meet the specific qualifications outlined in your participant profile.

Potential solutions:

  • Adjust Qualifying Criteria: Check if your criteria are overly restrictive. If so, consider broadening them slightly to attract a broader range of participants.

  • Keep All Responses: Avoid discarding responses, even from those who don't initially meet your qualifications. They might be helpful in the future.

  • Switch Distribution Channels: If current efforts aren't attracting enough qualified participants, try using a different distribution channel to reach a broader audience.

3. People don’t show up to the calls they book with you

The problem: Participants are scheduling time with you but fail to attend the scheduled call.

Potential solutions:

  • Over Recruit: To account for no-shows, book more participants than needed. For instance, if you need 10 participants, schedule appointments with 15.

  • Send Reminder Emails: Email participants to remind them 12-24 hours before a scheduled call.

    • Use a message like: “… Reminder of your call booked on [date and time]. The researcher is counting on you being there. Please reply to this email confirming your attendance.”
  • Minimize Time Gap: Ensure the interval between the booking and the actual session is short. A lengthy gap can lead to participants forgetting about the session.

  • Limit Booking Window: Create a narrow window for session bookings. Aim to schedule sessions only within the next 3-5 days to reduce the chance of no-shows.

  • Account for Time Zones: When scheduling calls, consider the time zones of your participants. If there's a significant difference, like between Asia and North America, schedule sessions at times that are feasible for both parties.

If you've tried these solutions and still need help, don't hesitate to consult a Web3 participant recruitment expert at OpenUX. They're ready to assist you with tailored strategies for your specific needs. Click here to get in touch.

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